Registered nominated entities


We are required by law to publish a register of nominated entities.

A nominated entity is an organisation a registered political party has appointed to be its nominated entity.

Gifts between a nominated entity and its registered political party are not considered political donations.

Political parties cannot have more than one nominated entity.

To be a nominated entity, the organisation must be:

  • an incorporated body that operates for the benefit of a party, but does not have voting rights in it
  • appointed in writing to us by the registered political party.

Register of nominated entities

Political party name and address Nominated entity name and address
Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)
Level 12, 257 Collins Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd
25 St James Park Drive
Brighton Victoria 3186
Australian Labor Party – Victorian Branch
Locked Bag 3240
Melbourne, Victoria 3001
Labor Services & Holdings Pty Ltd
ATF Labour Services & Holdings Trust
Locked Bag 3240
Melbourne Victoria 3001
National Party of Australia - Victoria
Level 13, 30 Collins Street,
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Pilliwinks Pty Ltd
Level 13, 30 Collins Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000